Snack Shop for Children

Our business project is a snack shop for the newly established EB School and will be implemented in a very poor area of Ulaanbaatar. The 2,200 orphans living and studying here, have very little access to fresh eco-products. Even if they go shopping in the city center, in reality children cannot eat delicious new products because of the high price.


Our business will be part of the building where we have our church. In the future, we want to set up a business incubator for local micro-businesses (see the photo). For that we still have to repair our production rooms, the purchase of the equipment needed for our store, developing the shop decoration, and preparing the bakery equipment. The Initial Operating Costs will protect our business from failure for 4 months, before we reach the break-even point and the business is stabilized. The capital for set-up and running this business is a combination of our savings and a loan from MINA ngo.

STARTING up the business

Most of the start-up capital will be used before the business will start (the set-up costs). The other part of the start-up capital (Initial Operating Cost) is enough if the fixed costs (salary, rent) are paid at the end of the month and if the needed materials like ingredients (variable costs) will be bought weekly.

startup my business

The Business plan is the handbook for my business. Together with my coach we can set-up and run the business well. And if needed, handling unexpected changes!