ABC training for Ouyndelger

After I have attended the Financial ABC training, I have learned the following:

  • I am GOD’s creation. All things are made by GOD.
  • I understood that being faithless, doubtful or not forgiving others can block my future life and cause me to have financial problems.
  • Attitude is more important than money in finance. I keep a household book. I started to save money.
  • Before giving an offering from my income, I was spending all the money. But now it is changed.
  • I have learned my position in God. I have started to act something what I am expecting something from others.
  • I learned to use words “NO” and “YES”.
  • I am a steward of God’s resources.
  • First to set purpose, then make a budget. When I have an income, first I should give and deposit money, then use the rest as necessary.

Change your life today

If you get clear for yourself what you are doing with your money, much more is possible!